Forum Discussion
Curious to know why you're converting the Date fields to text to evaluate instead of using IsNull([ date ]) on the field? Have you found something wrong with IsNull()?
ToText([Email Date]) <> ""
- JimHarrison3 months agoQrew Champion
Good question. The embedded Formula consultant was giving me errors and this made it stop so I could work out the parenthesis structure.
Upon reflection and some rest I see the null check is redundant as the date calculation handles the null check. Here is the latest iteration, checking results now. Then I will apply it to a pipeline filter and we will see how much damage we can do.If (([Email Date] <= (Today() - Days(14))
or ([Instructions Date] <= (Today() - Days(14)))
or ([Verification Date] <= (Today() - Days(14)))
or (IsNull([Email Date]) and [Email Trigger])
or (IsNull([Instructions Date]) and [send_trigger])
or (IsNull([Verification Date]) and [Verification Trigger]))