Forum Discussion
Customer Id (FId - 6), Order Id (FId- 7), Book Id (FId - 9)
Anitha Jeevarathinam
Are you trying to have the records know if there exists other records with the same values for all three fields?
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- AnithaJeevarath2 years agoQrew Cadet
No Mark if the Book Id exists as part of another order then we have to flag the Book id record - "MultipleOrderExistsFlag" as "Y".
CustID1 Order1 BookId1
CustID1 Order2 BookId2
CustID2 Order1 BookId1
In the example above, the 1st and 3rd rows should have the field "MultipleOrderExistsFlag" as "Y".
Anitha Jeevarathinam
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
This should flag is there are duplicates for the same OrderID and BookID
var text QUERY =
"{7.EX." & [OrderID] & "}"
& " AND "
& "{9.EX.'" & [BookID] & "'}";
IF(SizeGetRecords($QUERY)) >1, "Y")But the formula is not looking at the Customer ID field.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- AnithaJeevarath2 years agoQrew Cadet
Thank you so much Mark! Really appreciate your inputs!
When I enter this query as Formula field or use this in a report, it keeps giving me an error as below. The Table has an overall 300K records and this filter will be applied to around 150K records. Any insight on how to fix this?
Anitha Jeevarathinam