Forum Discussion

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Qrew Captain
6 years ago

Form rule doesn't trigger when uploading data

I will be uploading data from a spreadsheet on a daily basis. I have a rule set to recognize if specific data is in a specific field and if it is check a specific box. For instance: If [Subject Prefix] contains 'RE:' change [Resolved] to 'checked'. But it's not working. How can I get it to work when new data is uploaded?

10 Replies

  • Form rules do not apply when uploading data or using grid edit. Your best bet is to use an Action or Automation to trigger the data change when uploading.
  • Form rules only work when humans edit a record manually a single record at a time, not for bulk uploads.

    I suggests that you look into Actions and Automations or better yet, use a formula field.
  • I don't seem to have Actions available in this app. How do I get it?I tried to build an Automation but I'm not sure I did it correctly. How can I test it without having to wait a day?
    • GilbertSpigelm2's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Copy the application with data and build the action. You will have to rebuild the automation because it doesn't come over on the app copy.
  • I found Actions. However, I have no idea how to write one. It looks like it will only let me add a record. I don't want to do that. How can I get a field to be checked when data that is uploaded meets a specific criteria?
  • There is a trick to editing the record that you are on, or just imported. 
    Make a Report link field and point it to the record you are on - ie, match [Record ID#] on the left with the same app, same field [Record ID#] that you are on.  Then the Action will allow you to edit the record.
  • A formula would be your best bet here.  Way simpler and more reliable and foolproof than actions.

    I would make a formula checkbox field called [Resolved (final)] and a field called [Resolved Override] with Yes and No as choices

    [Resolved Override]= "Yes", true,
    [Resolved Override]= "No", false,
    Contains([Subject Prefix], "RE:"), true)

    That will let you override if you need to else fall back to the contains formula.