Forum Discussion

AmyGosz1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Form rule to populate a date field

I am creating a new form UI and am now to the form rules. I have a rule that basically says " if [field] is not blank, change date to today". However, the date field is not even an option in the list to choose from in the 'Then' section. I am using 'Change value' as a choice. I certainly hope I don't have to create a bunch of pipelines to populate date fields as we have a lot of them for approvals, returns, etc. With the new form UI, how we can auto populate a date field...or maybe any other field?

Amy Gosz

4 Replies

  • Just curious (ruling out the simple first), is the date field actually on your form?  I have found that the field has to be on the form for it to show up in the form rules. 

    Jamie Low
    • AmyGosz1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Yes, that appears to be the case with the new UI form. However, it was not required to be on the form with the current form.  This creates an issue of putting additional fields on the form that are only for reporting purposes. I guess I can create a 'hidden' section on the form so I can add those fields, but this should not be necessary.

      Amy Gosz
      • joevandervest's avatar
        Qrew Cadet

        Hi, to test for NULLS you can use the formula section of the new UI rules definition to test about anything - as long as it TESTS to a Boolean result. You can then have a RULE trigger when the result of your test is TRUE.   (e.g. test for NULL or UNSET fields). It's ugly I know. But a work around. 

        That's how I got it to work. Another trick I did was just add a dummy field to the table, don't put it on a form, keep it unset and then test against it in your rules. (Again, ugly, but it works. ) 

        joe vandervest