Forum Discussion
Hi Mark,
I will try to be a bit more detailed. ( I am very grateful for the help):
My goal is to create an Account Summary Field/Box at the top of my form to give my users a quick status of any given clients case.
When in view mode, I would like to have the tags associated with the account displayed (thus wanting to customize how each tag looks) I have attached some PNG's for reference.
PNG references attached:
1. Account summary editing.PNG - this is my form in editing mode, where I want us to be able to select the tags
2. Sample tag select.PNG - this would be my multi-select text field in editing view (viewing as well)- where we would make our tag selections to display in viewing mode
3. Chosen tags.PNG - this is how I want them to display on my form (I would also like to create a button to do this if possible)
4. Account summary viewing.PNG - Here is where I want the tags displayed that have been chosen, but in the formatting from above.
Make sense?
Kelly Lyons
var text value = ToText([My Mutli Select field]);
// parse out eah selection into separate formula variables
var text ValueOne = Trim(Part($value,1,";"));
var text ValueTwo = Trim(Part($value,2,";"));
var text ValueThree = Trim(Part($value,3,";"));
var text ValueFour = Trim(Part($value,4,";"));
var text ValueFive = Trim(Part($value,5,";"));
// red
var text ValueOneColor =
"<div style=\"color:white; background-color:#e6194b; text-align:center; width:100px; padding: 5px\">" & $valueOne & "</div>";
// Green
var text ValueTwoColor =
"<div style=\"color:white; background-color:green; text-align:center; width:100px;padding: 5px\">" & $valueTwo & "</div>";
// Black
var text ValueThreeColor =
"<div style=\"color:white; background-color:Black; text-align:center; width:100px;padding: 5px\">" & $valueThree & "</div>";
// Blue
var text ValueFourColor =
"<div style=\"color:white; background-color:Blue; text-align:center; width:100px;padding: 5px\">" & $valueFour & "</div>";
// Black
var text ValueFiveColor =
"<div style=\"color:white; background-color:yellow; text-align:center; width:100px;padding: 5px\">" & $valueFive & "</div>";
// now list then all together with a separator of a space.
List(" ",
If($ValueOne <>"", $ValueOneColor),
If($ValueTwo <>"", $ValueTwoColor),
If($ValueThree <>"", $ValueThreeColor),
If($ValueFour <>"", $ValueFourColor),
If($ValueFive <>"", $ValueFiveColor))
// for the background colors you can use words and Quickbase will recognize the common colors. Here is a list of 20 colors
Red e6194b
Green 3cb44b
Yellow ffe119
Blue 0082c8
Orange f58231
Purple 911eb4
Cyan 46f0f0
Magenta f032e6
Lime d2f53c
Pink fabebe
Teal 008080
Lavender e6beff
Brown aa6e28
Beige fffac8
Maroon 800000
Mint aaffc3
Olive 808000
Coral ffd8b1
Navy 000080
Grey 808080
Black 000000
I used the hex code for red in the first part. You need to preface the hex code with #.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach
- KellyLyons13 years agoQrew CadetHi Mark!
This whole thing has been working great, I have added on a bunch more formatting to make things pop even more.
I am working on getting them to display horizontally still, any ideas?
Kelly Lyons
------------------------------- QuickBaseCoachD3 years agoQrew Captain@Kelly Lyons if you post your current code and a screen shot of what is looks like on a record and explain the change in the formatting that you are looking for, I can have a look.ā
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