Forum Discussion

KarenHenke's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Formula doesn't work with [Date Created]

Having a formula issue and I don't know if it is because I'm now using the built-in [Date Created] field or if there is another issue I'm just not seeing.

In my old app [Release Date] worked fine (see screen grab below).
I copied and pasted it into my new app and the only error I saw was that there is no [Release Date] field in this app.
I used find/replace all to change Release Date to Date Created, then got a "The operator '>=' can't be applied on types datetime, date" error.
Not sure how to resolve this.

Here is the formula in text + screen grabs below

[Release Date] >= ToDate("07-28-2019") and [Release Date] <= ToDate("10-26-2019"),"FY20 Q1",
[Release Date] >= ToDate("10-27-2019") and [Release Date] <= ToDate("01-25-2020"),"FY20 Q2",
[Release Date] >= ToDate("01-26-2020") and [Release Date] <= ToDate("04-25-2020"),"FY20 Q3",
[Release Date] >= ToDate("04-26-2020") and [Release Date] <= ToDate("07-25-2020"),"FY20 Q4",
[Release Date] = ToDate("01-01-2025"), "FY25")


Karen Henke

4 Replies

  • I'm guessing release date in the new app is a date/time field. Try Adding ToDate([Release date]) to your formulas above

    • KarenHenke's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Thanks! Release Date isn't a field in the new app. 
      In the new app, I'm using the built-in field [Date Created]. When I replace Release Date with Date Created, that's when I get the error.

      Karen Henke
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        as @g.Macri says, the [Date Created] is field type date / time as opposed to being just a date.​

        I suggest that you create a formula date field called [Date Created in date format] with the formula

        ToDate([Date Created])

        Then use that in your formulas.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach