Forum Discussion

Jake1's avatar
Qrew Member
11 months ago

Formula Field Update


I've currently got a pipeline that is triggering based on a Checkbox - Formula Field. The formula returns true if a file is uploaded. The first time that I trigger this, it works as expected, and my pipeline then processes, and deletes the attachment (Via an API call).

The problem, is that the 2nd time I try to upload a file to the same file attachment field, the pipeline not be called again. I've even added a field to update at the end of the pipeline so that the record is saved again.

I know that in general you should avoid using Formula Fields to process this flow, but I'm a bit at a loss how else I could detect if a file is uploaded or not (more than once, at least). 

Jake Mauk

11 Replies

  • TimD's avatar
    Qrew Trainee

    what's the formula?

    i'm assuming that you mean that you have the formula-checkbox as the condition on the Record Update step... so if it's not triggering the second time. you'll have to provide what the formula is doing so we can help you. Is it really just checking whether there is a filed attached on a field?

    Tim D
    • Jake1's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Yes, you are correct that the Record Update triggers on the field for the Checkbox Formula. Currently that formula is as such:

      If(ToText([AttachmentField]) <>"", true, false)

      It returns true/false as I expect it to depending on if there is anything in the attachment field, but only the first file uploaded triggers a pipeline.

      • JohnRoss3's avatar
        Qrew Member

        I thought that "passive" changes didn't count as triggers?

        I've not messed with attachment fields in a while, but can you not set the PL to trigger when the attachment field changes?  You could use the checkbox field as a safe guard though.  Changes to the attachment field trigger the PL, but you filter it to ONLY run if the checkbox is checked.  That way, if someone deletes the attachment it doesn't run the PL.

        John Ross