Forum Discussion

ArchiveUser's avatar
Qrew Captain
5 years ago

Formula Help on Date Field

I have a date field called "Release Date" and a formula date field call "Final Approval Date"
Whatever the date listed in the "Release Date" field I have it formulated to subtract 28 days into the "Final Approval date" field and it works fine.

The issue I'm having is based on what "Type" of product it is the formula needs to add more days for a different "Type" of product.

If the product "Type" is set to digital then the 28 day formula is fine.  If the product "Type" is set to Digital and Disc then I need to add more days just for that type. Is there a way to do this within the same formula field without creating a new field?


4 Replies

    • ArchiveUser's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Here is my current formula.

      [Est. Launch Date]-Days(28)

      I use the formula for both digital and digital& disc "types" now. I found out though that we need to add days for the "type" digital & disc since it takes longer. So the digital type can remain as is at 28 days but the digital & disc needs to go to 60 days

  • Hi, Derek (long time no talk)

    Try this ..

    [Release Date]-Days(Case(([Type],"digital",28,"digital & disc",35,"video",21,28)).

    The "Case" function, which I underlined above, is varying the number of days based on the Type.
    In this example, its
    • 28 days for digital
    • 35 days for digital & disc
    • 21 days for video 
    • 28 days for everything else
    The CloudBase Services crew is still hear if you need help.

    • ArchiveUser's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Hi Debbie,
      Indeed long time no talk:).  Thank you very much for the formula it worked for me.