Forum Discussion

JoshuaDavis1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 months ago

Formula Help


I need help combining text fields into a formula(s).

Here are my formulas:

[Finance Disposition]=""&[(Text) PipeLine Value Requested]="<$500,000"),"YELLOW")

  • I'm getting  the operator "=" can't be applied on types bool, text error message

[Current Status]="Submitted",[Finance Disposition]="",[(Text) PipeLine Value Requested]="<$500,000","Red")

  • I'm getting expecting text, but found bool error message
  • ... tag teaming with my buddy DonLarsonThe syntax for the IF statement in Quickbase is much more friendly than Excel because you can list the formula vertically and you don't have to nest all your if statements for subsequent checks.  So usually you just need one IF at the beginning and it will evaluate the conditions in the order they are listed.


    [(Text) PipeLine Value Requested]= "<500000","YELLOW",

    [Finance Disposition] ="" and [(Text) PipeLine Value Requested] =  "<$500,000", "YELLOW")


    // You can list as many conditions as you like, vertically in that syntax and it will keep looking until it finds the first one which is true

  • Joshua,

    For the first one is [Finance Disposition] a formula text field that you are trying to create?

    If so then it appears you are trying to use a conditional to set the value to the text value of "YELLOW"

    Then something like

    If([(Text) PipeLine Value Requested]=<500000,"YELLOW","")

    This says if the field [(Text) PipeLine Value Requested] is less than or equal to 500000 then the value is "Yellow"  other wise it will be blank.


    Is this what you are hoping to see?

  • Don, 

    Thank you! This placed me on the right track. But I need to use both [Finance Disposition] and [(Text) PipeLine Value Requested] in the formula.

    For instance, if the [Finance Disposition] is blank and [(Text) PipeLine Value Requested] is >$500k then the value is "Yellow."

    How would I combine both fields into the formula?