Forum Discussion

AmberPollard's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
5 years ago

Formula Needed to Selectively List Characters Between Other Characters

I keep a list of progress and to do items in a text field, some of the lines start with the underscore character to indicating they are a pending to do item. Is there a way to only list the pending to do items?

For example, for a record that contains:

_ Make bed
_ Buy yogurt
Items purchased online (9/24 3PM)
X Clean out fridge
Returned phonecalls (9/24 2PM)
_ Take out trash

I'd like have to another field that looks at my first field and selectively lists:

_ Make bed
_ Buy yogurt
_ Take out trash

Thank you!

Amber Amber

1 Reply

  • Not tested, but try this in a formula text field. Change [Text4] to your field name, you will need to add more lines if you want the list to go above 6 items. 

    If(Contains(Trim(Part([Text4], 1,"\n")), "_"), Trim(Part([Text4], 1,"\n")), ""), 
    If(Contains(Trim(Part([Text4], 3,"\n")), "_"), Trim(Part([Text4], 3,"\n")), ""), 
    If(Contains(Trim(Part([Text4], 5,"\n")), "_"), Trim(Part([Text4], 5,"\n")), ""), 
    If(Contains(Trim(Part([Text4], 7,"\n")), "_"), Trim(Part([Text4], 7,"\n")), ""), 
    If(Contains(Trim(Part([Text4], 9,"\n")), "_"), Trim(Part([Text4], 9,"\n")), ""), 
    If(Contains(Trim(Part([Text4], 11,"\n")), "_"), Trim(Part([Text4], 11,"\n")), "")

    Everett Patterson