Forum Discussion
Put a query function in your "prices" table (the one you are querying) that counts the number of records that have a GTE (greater than or equal to) price and same StateID.
If it returns "1" then it's the max price for that StateID.
So with:
fid212 is Price
fid249 is StateID
Formula Checkbox "First Max Price for StateID", fid999
//Query parts
var text GTEPrice = "{212.GTE.'"& [Price] & "'}";
var text SameState = "{249.EX.'"& [StateID] & "'}";
var text RIDLTE = "{3.LTE.'"& [Record ID#] & "'}"; //will find the first record if multiple "prices" have the same price.
//Number of Records = 1 if it's the First Max Price for StateID
1 = Size(GetRecords($GTEPrice &"AND"& $SameState &"AND"& $RIDLTE));
Then, in your other table, have another query function that finds that record and sum values (of that one record) to get the max price.
Formula Numeric "Max Price for State"
//Query parts
var text SameState = "{249.EX.'"& [StateID] & "'}";
var text IsFirstMax = "{999.EX.'1'}"; //'1' finds a true checkbox
SumValues(GetRecords($SameState &"AND"& $IsFirstMax, "DBID"), 212)
Let me know if this works for you!
Matt Stephens
- EdwardHefter2 years agoQrew Cadet
I'm trying to use this method and it seems like there is a problem with the logic.
Not counting the state part of the equation, if I have records:
RID Value
1 10
2 10
3 200
4 100
Record 1 only has 1 record that is GTE 10 and has a RID LTE 1 (itself)
Record 2 has 2 records that are GTE 10 and has a RID LTE 2 (itself and #1)
Record 3 is back down to 1 record that is GTE 200 and has a RID LTE 3 (itself)
Record 4 has 2 records that are GTE 100 and has a RID LTE 4 (itself and #3)
I can't figure out how to work the GTE and LTE (as well as LT, GT, XEX, etc.) to get a unique value for RID 3, whether it is a 0 or 1.
Any suggestions? Something I might be missing?
Edward Hefter
------------------------------- MattStephens2 years agoQrew Cadet
Hi Edward,
I think you'll find all your answers in this awesome short video from Quickbase Junkie:
Rank Records Using the Size Query Function in QuickbaseYouTube remove preview Rank Records Using the Size Query Function in Quickbase View this on YouTube >
Matt Stephens
------------------------------- EdwardHefter2 years agoQrew Cadet
Thanks - I had seen that before and her videos have been extremely helpful to me! I am trying to find the highest value. I can rank them, but if I have 2 records in "first place," I can't do a "sumvalues" to find the highest number.
I might be able to do a sumvalue of the highest ranking and then divide by the number of records, though. I'll give that a try tomorrow.
Edward Hefter