Formula Stops after first IF statement.
I have a Formula that has multiple IF statement, but after the formula processes the first IF statement, it will not continue to the other IF statements. I have tried a "," after every IF statement and "&" after every IF statement, but that has not working. The Formula is looking at the output of a Multi-select Text field. Here is an example of my Formula.
If(Contains([Field1],"Value 1"), ToText("|Value 1:") & " " & [Field 2],
If(Contains([Field1],"Value 2"), ToText(" |Value 2:") & " " & [Field 3],
If(Contains([Field1],"Value 3"), ToText(" |Value 3:") & " " & [Field 4,
If(Contains([Field1],"Value 4"), ToText(" |Value 4") & " " & [Field 5))))
What's happening is that if Field 1 outputs "Value 1" and Value 4 then only the First IF statement will ToText and not the Fourth IF statement as well.
The desired output should be "|Value 1 Field 2 |Value 4 Field 5"
Russell Hansen