Forum Discussion

MikeNovak's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Formula that returns a Field Name?

Does this exist? It doesn't seem like it. What I want is a formula that returns the field name. For instance, if I have a field called "Project Name"; its field ID is 6. Is there a function that will return the name of Field ID 6?

mtn mtn

3 Replies

  • What problem are you trying to solve for?

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
    • MikeNovak's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      I have an audit log that automatically records every change made to certain fields. Because some of the changes may be quite subtle, I have a field that tells us what field(s) changed, rather than trying to search in the report to see what generated the log entry. 

      Right now that is this formula: 
                       If( [Old Name]=[New Name], "" , "Project Name"),
                       If( [Old Type]=[New Type], "", "Project Type"),

      The underlined parts are the names of the fields that have changed, but they're obviously hardcoded text. There are 11 of these, and for corporate stupidity that is not worth getting into, the names of the fields change with far too much frequency. 

      So is there a way to get the field name from the field ID? Basically, I'd love if we could use the new getfieldproperty formula. I'd envision it like this: 
      GetFieldProperty(6, "Field Label")

      Otherwise, it is another step for something I need to edit each time we get a new exec who decides that "Project Type" should really be called "Project Category" and that it is a critical priority to get it changed over.

      mtn mtn