2 years agoQrew Member
Formula to Pull a single record field from another table.
I am trying to build a formula that pulls a single record via a unique field, I want to pull just a single field regardless if there are several records that match my search query. My current formula's I am trying are;
GetFieldValues(GetRecordByUniqueField([Record ID#], 7, [_DB_Alias]), 6) this formula fails as it sees a textlist from my understanding that is multiple records instead of a single record,
GetFieldValues(GetRecords("{7.EX.[Record ID#]}&options=num-1",[_DB_Alias]),6) this fails for the same reason as I am pulling multiple records via the GetRecords function but applied the limit of num-1 as an option.
Neither work and I would like to pull only a single record with a single field back using either of these functions.
Colin Burns