Forum Discussion
7 years agoQrew Commander
You can add a redirect in your formula by replacing $URL with
$URL & "&rdr=" & $URLTWO
You'll then need to add another variable for URLTWO (var text URLTWO = )
You are correct that you cannot redirect outside of QuickBase, so URL TWO would be something like this (where the pageID=3 is replaced with your pageID).
$URL & "&rdr=" & $URLTWO
You'll then need to add another variable for URLTWO (var text URLTWO = )
You are correct that you cannot redirect outside of QuickBase, so URL TWO would be something like this (where the pageID=3 is replaced with your pageID).
URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dbpage&pageID=3";
-Sharon- BrianCafferelli6 years agoQuickbase StaffYou can actually do this without using JavaScript as well.
You'll need to use the table setting called "Save parent record automatically when a child record is created." When this box is checked for your table, any time has the form open for adding / editing a record, and they click a link, they won't get the pop-up window asking if they want to save the record first. Instead, the user will see the "Saving" message briefly, then they will be redirected based on whatever link they clicked.
You can use standard a Formula - URL here, which essentially becomes your own custom save button. Without needing to call DoSaveAdd. - QuickBaseJunkie6 years agoQrew CommanderI was recently asked about the code I provided here and I have a better alternative using the onclick method below.
var text SAVE = "onclick=\"$('#saveButton').click()";
var text REDIRECT = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dbpage&pageID=2";
"<a class='Vibrant Success' & " & $SAVE & "; window.location.href=' "& $REDIRECT &" '\">SAVE & Go to Page</a>" - QuickBaseJunkie6 years agoQrew CommanderThanks Brian!
I was actually working with someone who had a Save & Redirect formula that was working that did not explicitly have Save included... I was baffled for a bit then realized they had this setting you mentioned engaged.
Great call out!