3 years agoQrew Trainee
Formulas - IS Not Null & If Then
I have the following fields in my report:
"Date Manager Entered"
"Last Day"
I'd like to create a formula that does the following:
1. See if there is a date entered in "Date Manager Entered"
2. If there is a date in "Date Manager Entered" to calculate if "Date Manager Entered" - "Last Day" <5 days
3. If that calculation is <5, display "No". If it's >5, display "Yes"
I was thinking of using: If(Is Not Null[Date Manager Entered], If(ToDays([Date Manager Entered]-[Last Day])<5,"No","Yes"),"") but I'm pretty sure I'm not joining these correctly.
Can you please help me determine what the proper formula should be? Also, please advise what sort of text type it should be.
Thank you!