Forum Discussion
no problem, Quickbase formulas are similar to Excel but easier to write and read. Also you can add comments for our own sanity and you only tyopically need to have one IF statement as opposed to Excel where you need to have all those nested IFs.
([county's # of hospitals] > 0 and [# of hospitals with state programs] >0)
([# of hospitals with both] >0, "This county has Both.",
[county # of hospitals with my program] =0 and [# of state programs] > 0,
"This county has state certified programs",
[county # of hospitals with my program] > 0 and [# of state programs]=0,
"This county has my program.",
"This county doesn't have a program".)
// by the way f you want to add a comment, then start a line with //
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- ChristineKirk2 years agoQrew Cadet
Thank you Mark! You're always so quick to reply and I appreciate you!!
It looks like I might not have been far off the beaten path then. I'm still spitting out an error right off when I use your formula:
Also - when you mentioned adding a comment with // -- do you mean on this thread, or in the Quickbase? Wasn't sure I followed :).
Christine Kirk
------------------------------- ChristineKirk2 years agoQrew Cadet
Ok I think I've got it now actually. Ugh. It's just tricky, sometimes it wants a certain thing and I don't understand what it's asking for. A little practice and I'll get this one. For the life of me, I couldn't make "or" work. But I'm just going to add it as another option. "These criteria met = Choice A", "These other criteria met = Still Choice A".
Christine Kirk
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
Yes, no problem just listing your conditions sequentially if that easier than use OR, even if a bit of repetition. The main issue is how stupid simple the formula is to read and understand. The goal is stupid simple.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)