Forum Discussion

WillisTaylor1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Freeze Fields that are updated by a formula

Is there away to freeze a field that has been updated by a formula. So if the formula changes in the future it does not change the value for a that has already been approved and processed?

Example - miles rate .555 x miles if the miles rate changes in the future, I don't want the value to change of pervious rates calculated. 

Willis Taylor

2 Replies

  • Is the Miles Rate a lookup field?  Or is that 0.555 hard coded in a formula field.  If you can make up be a look up field then you can create a Snapshot field to freeze in that value when the record is first saved.

    Otherwise you would have to set up a pipeline to run say every night and copy the calculated field into a scalar field for any records that were created the previous day. 

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • WillisTaylor1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Awesome thanks I will give this a try. 

      Miles rate is hardcoded to a formula field.

      Willis Taylor