Forum Discussion

JoseVieira's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 months ago

Gantt plugin: tasks with fractional start and end values

Hi all

I'm using the Gantt plugin to manage task with short durations (hours). 

The Gantt plugin allows me to move e resize tasks so the start and end are given as dates and times.

But the start and date fields on the Tasks table are Date fields, not DateTime fields.

I need to get more detailed info from my tasks, but I don't know were the fractional start ad date info is stored.

Lets suppose, for example,  a task starting at a given date and time, and ending at a given date and time. If I move the task by a few hours, in a way that it stays on the same dates, and go to the currespondent record on the Tasks table, I see that the "Date modified" field does not change, meaning the record was not updated. If I move (or resize) the task so the start or end date change, the "Date modified" field gets updated.

So, in summary, the question is: on which table is the fractional info (time) for tasks start and end is stored on my app?



  • I double checked here and, actually, it is only possible to have tasks with DateTime as start while editing on the Gantt Plugin. But this is not saved anywhere, because the field type is Date. When I open the project again on the Gantt plugin, I see that the task time is reset to 12AM. So it does not get saved. I'll propose having DateTime fields as an improvement.