Forum Discussion

AnnettaColeman's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Gauge Charts for COUNT (not sum or avg) for KPI widgets

I guess I need Gauge Chart / Dashboard KPI 101 course....   I mostly use gauge charts to COUNT occurrences of something so that I can then display the occurrences as a KPI on a dashboard.   By nature gauge charts are intended to sum or average data.   I have been successful thus far in 'summing' some not numeric field so have been clubbing along well enough after I learned early on that summing a numeric Record ID can result in a very large number.  LOL

In any case, I thought I would ask about the proper way to count records for the purpose of displaying as a KPI on a dashboard.

Annetta Coleman

2 Replies

  • I think you are just missing seeing that the very last choice on that drop down list of numeric fields is the one to simply count the # of records.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • AnnettaColeman's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Guess it was Gauge Reports 101.   LOL.   Thanks for taking the time.   :)

      Annetta Coleman