3 years agoQrew Trainee
Generate plain HTML using all records from table
Hi all,
I'm trying to generate a block of plain HTML that uses certain fields from all records in a table, and places these into a standard format. The idea is to generate the HTML which can copied and pasted to a third-party web publishing platform.
The HTML is fairly simple - just bulleted lists and a few headings. Here's the general HTML format I want to follow.
<h4>Static heading text</h4>
<strong>[Field 1 from first record - only if it has a certain field value]</strong><br>
[Field 2 from first record - only if it has a certain field value]
...(generate using all records from a table)
<strong>[Field 1 from last record of table]</strong><br>
[Field 2 from last record - only if it has a certain field value]
I've done something similar in Google Sheet where certain cells are static while others use a FILTER formula to populate accordingly. I then highlight all the cells to copy and paste to a publishing platform. I also used various formulas so that the static cells are populated if a relevant cell contains text so that there's no empty HTML tags. Hoping something similar can be accomplished in Quickbase.