Forum Discussion
If its a straight line relationship as you describe the summary fields can do it. You can do something like role up into BOL Assignments something like 'Driver Assigned' - then summarize that field into BOL by the same name and then roll it into Drivers to make your status. Your summary field can be the 'Has any records' boolean value and just keep in your grandparent / great grandparent you're just summarizing where that child summary field is checked.
Functionally you won't have any issue - you may just want to make the fields in BOL / BOL Assignments non searchable / reportable since that value doesn't make sense in that data context.
Chayce Duncan
- BaileyDesormeau2 years agoQrew Member
I made a mistake in my initial question. The relationship betwen BOL and Inventory Tracking, so the great grandparent and the grand parent. Each (Inventory tracking) has many BOL Assignments. So i cant do the summary all the way down. The relationships are this:
Each Inventory Tracking which is an asset mission assignment has many BOL assignments. Then Each BOL has many BOL Assignments, Then Each driver has many BOLs. Maybe the picture below will help? I was trying to use an API that chatgpt created haha but it wasnt working. It was trying to get the record from the start of the relationship and bring it down through the tables somehow.
Bailey Desormeaux
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
Same process would apply in practice, honestly a little easier. You would add a lookup field from Inventory Tracking into BOL Assignments if you don't already have it for the Deployment status of the Inventory Tracking.
Then in the relationship between BOL and BOL assignments - summary field of any records where Deployment Status (lookup field) is whatever status(s) you consider deployed.
Then in the relationship between Driver and BOL - summary field of any records where the previously created summary field is checked.
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------- BaileyDesormeau2 years agoQrew Member
Thank you very much for your help! I think this is going to do it now that I read your idea, that was my kind of my initial strategy but for some reason I did not think it would work!
Bailey Desormeaux