Forum Discussion

Axsess_EnergyGr's avatar
Qrew Cadet
9 years ago

Go To"" button in a form

I was wondering if it is possible to add a button on a form that would take you to a specific Section on the form.

I know this may sound like laziness (i.e., can't you just scroll to the Section?), however we use a particular form all the time that is quite long with a large amount of data, sections, tables, etc.  and being able to have a button that pops you right to that section would save time when using the form, looking up info when taking calls, etc.


13 Replies

  • Courtesy of the infamous Dan Diebolt who haunts this forum, this worked for me in an app

    Jump to a spot on a form

    The formula-URL to initiate the jump was


    The anchor tag for where to jump to was a formula-text field with HTML enabled with the formula

    "<a name=DealerClaim></a>"

    In my case I chose to call the link DealerClaim. You can all it what you like.  The name is case sensitive and I suggest no spaces or special characters in it as I don't know if they will break the functionality.

    So, you put the first part at the top of the form, and the target near where you want to jump to.  On the target, hide the field label with an alternate text of blank once you get it working.

  • btw, at the recent EMPOWER Users group meeting in Chicago, QuickBase announced their intentions to have tabbed Forms. No specific time frame but "soonish".  Basically a way to indicate in a form that certain Sections should appear as tabs at the top, so as to not have to scroll way down on long forms.  So that would probably eliminate the need for this work-a round.  But until then this technique is useful for long forms.
    • DonaSheehan's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Both of these solutions create problems between Full Site and Mobile views...

      1.) As fore warned, TABS are not supported on the Mobile interface but 
      WARNING: A TAB will stop the display in its tracks so they're  not just "not supported" , using them prohibits Mobile access to that information all together. Would be better if the Tabs were just ignored in the Mobile view vs. putting the brakes on the display.  

      2.) The JUMP/ANCHOR solution (at least on a Windows 7 P/C Operating  System) leaves me with a different problem.  

      It does work, BUT the JUMP actually takes you 5 rows below where it is inserted (again this is Windows 7 displayed on a Vizio monitor) so you may have to adjust where you insert it on the form to actually land on target, BUT it works perfectly on the Mobile view so if you make the adjustment for the Full Site view, it throws off the Mobile view.

      Obviously I need to update to Windows 10 but has anyone encountered this problem or is this just my "rookie" status?  
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      I find that I need to play around with the placement of the Anchor to get close to where I want to be on the form.  It's not your "rookie" status.  It's sort of finicky and you just try to get close. 
    • DonaSheehan's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      That's not the core's the incompatibility between Full Site and Mobile of the two options that is the problem.  Is this worth opening a Support Ticket or just wait on the next release sort of thing?
  • Excellent...thanks for the info.  I think that would be great enhancement and way to organize forms.  It would be also help users more easily understand what type of info is on more complicated forms and facilitate navigation.
  • Would someone be able to help me with this procedure?  I'm not sure where I should be entering the formula-url?
  • Vinny,

    Per Mark's instructions above, I set up a new formula url field and chose to display it as a button (in field settings).  I put it  at top of form, but you can put it anywhere on the form that you may want to access it from.  
    The formula looks like: "javascript:void(window.location.href='#xyz');"    where xyz is what ever you want to call it.

    Also, per Mark's instructions above, you have to also create an anchor tag which defines where you jump to when you press the button you created.  This anchor tag is a new field you have to create,  a formula-text field with HTML enabled.  The formula looks like:  "<a name=xyz></a>"
