Forum Discussion

BobThomas1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Goal Line(s) Bar Graphs

I know how to show a goal line in bar charts. A feedback ticket asked how to have two goal lines, as Monday-Thursday we have a goal of 900 patient encounters. But on Friday some clinics are open just half a day and the goal line suggested is 450. 

Is there a way to do this?

Bob T.
  • The only way that I can think that you would be able to do this is by using a bar and line chart type, and then set a Goal Line Variable and use that as the value of the Line.  You can use something like: If(DayofWeek(ToDate([Date Created]))=5, 450, 900) as a Report Formula. Instead of totaling those to make your line, then you are going to want to show the average, maximum, or minimum.

    John Crosland
    • BobThomas1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      John, I have created a new chart to show 30 days past of patient encounters using a line bar chart. I set up a variable called goalLine set initially to zero. 

      But I don't know how to access it in the customize chart.

      Bob T.
      • JohnCrosland's avatar
        Qrew Trainee
        Hi Bob,
        It looks like you created a Global Variable. You will need to create a Report Formula with Formula - Numeric or a Formula - Numeric field inside of the table. The formula needs to be something like If(DayofWeek(ToDate([Date Created]))=5, 450, 900), then you can choose that  field as the basis of the line on the chart.
        Thank you,

        John Crosland