Is anyone experiencing new behavior with the grid-edit option? This is happening in regular table reports AND specifically grid-edit reports. When clicking the grid edit option at the top corner the ...
Yes, this is a Quickbase feature that must be understood because it is not intuitive and complex to get right. Here is how to solve the problem.
Go to settings, forms.
Look below the forms there are two chevrons on the left that look like this:
Expand these and note if anything has been changed.
In the bottom one "override role settings by report" look for the report you are experiencing the strange behavior. On the Grid Edit (Full Site) column change the value to "Use role settings". Test and it should be back to expected behavior.
I think by default Quickbase has these set to Use Standard Behavior. When we change the "Set how different roles use these forms", it changes every report to use the same setting.
------------------------------ Jim Harrison transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes ------------------------------
Hey Jim. Thanks so much. This does seem to be the root of the issue - however in order to re-enable grid edit I had to choose <Standard Behavior> for the grid edit option. All my reports were still showing "use role settings" so I thought I would test the other options. Thanks for your help!