Forum Discussion

itsjustchuckits's avatar
Qrew Trainee
8 years ago

grid edit event handlers

So I made a function that will highlight rows in a grid edit report but I'd like my function to fire whenever a row is changed and I've been unable to bind any events, so far tried like mousedown and click using .on() and .bind() but i keep getting this error. Guessing I can't double bind or something?

((f.event.special[s.origType] || (intermediate value)).handle || s.handler).apply is not a function

6 Replies

  • so if anyone is curious I just have this set to go 3 seconds after the page is loaded (because .load and .ready caused it to break the highlighting) Curious though if anyone knows how to do this on an event without saving. But for now this works for me

    For anyone who wants the code here it is

    Im not sure what other pages this is will work but in my case I have an embedded grid edit report on my master record. I have related tasks and this report is to create assignments for those tasks. There isn't a relationship to the master and assignments, just tasks. So they create multiple assignments and assign the child tasks to it and assign users to complete the assignment so the originator can complete the task. The function just checks to see if Completed is checked, if so its black, if not its red.

    Hope it helps and look forward to feedback!
  • ShontaySmith's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Do you have the code available to color rows in grid edit? The link you posted no longer work
    • JanaBaker's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      this would be so cool, but your link isnt working.  Think you can post it again for us?  Thank you tons!!