Forum Discussion

MattHoppe's avatar
Qrew Member
10 months ago

Help accessing the UserID in a Pipeline API_GetUserInfo call

Hi there,

   I am building a pipeline that makes a API_GetUserInfo XML call then adds the user to a Group using the subsequent user ID I got from the first GetUserInfo call. My problem is, you can't use the "@" symbol. When I look at the output from the first call, I see

json: Object
    qbdapi: Object
    action: "API_GetUserInfo"
        user: Object
           firstname: "First"
           lastname:  "Last"
           externalAuth: "0"
           login: ""
           @id: "12345678.bbaa"
           email: ""
           isVerified: "0"
           screenName: null

 As you can see, I need to use the '@id' value. I'm using "{{c.json.qdbapi.user.@id}}" to specify it in the next step using API_AddUserToGroup call, but QB won't let me save nor turn on the pipeline when I have the "@" symbol there. I've tried just 'ID', 'user_id', 'userID', 'user ID', none of them work. Can I escape the '@' some other way? Is there another way to go about this? Thanks in advance for your time and help.

  -Matthew Hoppe

Data Collaborative

  - Matthew Hoppe
Data Collaborative
  • DougHenning1's avatar
    Community Manager

    You can use square brackets instead of dot notation:


    Hope that helps!

    Doug Henning