Forum Discussion
Wow, this was much easier than what I was trying to do. What a great, simple solution! Thank you so much!
Carrie K
The only cautionary tale will be the 'style' if you want to change things like font-size, color, bolding etc.
When Quickbase summarizes combined text - it combines them with a semi-colon which is why in my example I have a search and replace to remove it. If you do something like:
<td style='font-weight:bold; color: blue;'>Name</td>
And then you remove all the semi-colons then the style gets thrown off. Typically how I handle it is in the 'row' in your child table - I swap out the ; with a | and then search and replace it when it gets summarized into the parent. So it instead looks like:
<td style='font-weight:bold| color: blue|'>Name</td>
And then in your contract formula-rich text field you put them back with:
SearchAndReplace(SearchAndReplace(ToText([Combined Summary Row Field]), "; ", ""), "|",";")
Chayce Duncan
- CarrieKrakowski11 months agoQrew Member
Yep, I noticed that and your suggestion is a great workaround. Thank you thank you thank you!
Carrie K