Forum Discussion

AaronB's avatar
Qrew Trainee
9 months ago

Hide built-in 'Delete' button/option but keep ability to Delete records

I want to remove the built-in 'Delete' options but keep the ability to delete a record (via Formula-URL and Pipeline trigger). 

I can get them to disappear by the table's Access permissions but this also eliminates the ability to delete a record via a Formula-URL Button+Pipeline trigger.

Any ideas?

Aaron B

2 Replies

  • They go hand in hand unfortunately with the role settings unlike the Add button in the interface. One suggestion would be to actually remove their delete permissions and instead add a 'checkbox' field for 'Delete'. Users can check the box of click a button to delete and then have a Pipeline that has Admin permissions do the actual deletion of records. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • AaronB's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Ha!   Your suggestion turned the light bulb on in my brain.

      I already had a Formula-URL button for 2 types of deletes (one button deletes only that record, the other button deletes that record and all the children/grandchildren records).   Each button triggers a pipeline and it was working flawlessly.  I had totally forgotten that the pipeline would get run under Admin so turning off their delete permission would have no effect on those pipelines. 

      Thanks for making the light bulb come on!!!!

      Aaron B