Forum Discussion

LizLiz's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

How can I delete duplicate records if they were all added at the same time?

Eliminate accidental duplicate records.

6 Replies

  • How exactly do you know they are duplicates after the fact? Ideally - you would want to try and stop the original entry from happening - so think about unique fields so users can't create dupes in the first place. Are these being entered via grid edit or import? 

    If setting up a unique field to stop the entry isn't an option - you'll need a way to actually identify systematically which ones are dupes before you can look into deleting them. 

    Chayce Duncan | Director of Strategic Solutions
    (720) 739-1406 |
    Quandary Knowledge Base
    • LizLiz's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I typically do stop this from occuring but this time it did.  I think I was working in MS Excel too long and too late one night.  

      There are hundreds of dups and identifying one at a time is taking too long.  I just need this fix for this 1 situation, not ongoing.
    • ChayceDuncan2's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Per the comments from Coach - you could set up a summary report to group / identify your dupes and drill in to each grouping and mass delete that way from his comments. Honestly though - you could just line them all up from the day you imported them and just delete them by clicking the delete box from a report, and just going through to check the ones you want deleted. There isn't really a flashy way to do deletions at the end of the day

      Chayce Duncan | Director of Strategic Solutions
      (720) 739-1406 |
      Quandary Knowledge Base
  • You can do a summary report by date created and there will be a block of records all added at the same date and time. (Summary on equal values), then drill down to explode open the detail and use the "More ..." button to delete.
  • LizLiz's avatar
    Qrew Trainee

    I don't understand what the More button is.   Also, I added on the same date.  Can you give more details - I am not that savy.  Thank you very much!!
  • No problem,

    Make your summary report like i described above.
    Locate the block of record which were all added at the same date/time.
    Drill into that block on the summary report to open up all those individual records.

    Then mass delete the record either by using the checkbox at the left of each record (there is a master checkbox at the top of the checkboxes to check all) and then delete, or easier if there are many record is to locate the "More .." button at the the top right of the report and it will let you delete all the records on the report.