Forum Discussion

SamSam1's avatar
Qrew Member
10 years ago

How can I get the text of a number in the way one would speak it? For example $100.00 = One Hundred Dollars

I could do it with this formula!

var text numt = ToText(Floor([Number]));

var text cents = If(Contains(ToText([Number]), "."), Left(Right(ToText([Number]) & "00", "."), 2),"");

var text teensnum = List(" ",


1, "Ten", 2, "Twenty", 3, "Thirty", 4, "Forty", 5, "Fifty", 6, "Sixty", 7, "Seventy", 8, "Eighty", 9, "Ninety", 0, ""),


1, "One", 2, "Two", 3, "Three", 4, "Four", 5, "Five", 6, "Six", 7, "Seven", 8, "Eight", 9, "Nine", 0, ""));

var text teens =

If($teensnum<>"" and [Number]>99, "and ", "") &


"Ten One", "Eleven", "Ten Two", "Twelve", "Ten Three", "Thirteen", "Ten Four", "Fourteen", "Ten Five", "Fifteen", "Ten Six", "Sixteen", "Ten Seven", "Seventeen", "Ten Eight", "Eighteen", "Ten Nine", "Nineteen", $teensnum);

var text teensnumcents =List(" ",


"1", "Ten", "2", "Twenty", "3", "Thirty", "4", "Forty", "5", "Fifty", "6", "Sixty", "7", "Seventy", "8", "Eighty", "9", "Ninety", "0", ""),


"1", "One", "2", "Two", "3", "Three", "4", "Four", "5", "Five", "6", "Six", "7", "Seven", "8", "Eight", "9", "Nine", "0", "")


var text teenscents =

If($teensnumcents<>"", " and ", "") &


"Ten One", "Eleven", "Ten Two", "Twelve", "Ten Three", "Thirteen", "Ten Four", "Fourteen", "Ten Five", "Fifteen", "Ten Six", "Sixteen", "Ten Seven", "Seventeen", "Ten Eight", "Eighteen", "Ten Nine", "Nineteen", $teensnumcents)& If($teensnumcents<>"", " Cents", "");

List(" ",



1, "One", 2, "Two", 3, "Three", 4, "Four", 5, "Five", 6, "Six", 7, "Seven", 8, "Eight", 9, "Nine") & " Million","") & If(Mod([Number],1000000)>0 and [Number]>1000000, ",", ""),



1, "One", 2, "Two", 3, "Three", 4, "Four", 5, "Five", 6, "Six", 7, "Seven", 8, "Eight", 9, "Nine") & " Hundred","") & If(Mod([Number],100000)>0 and [Number]>100000, " and", "") ,



1, "Ten", 2, "Twenty", 3, "Thirty", 4, "Forty", 5, "Fifty", 6, "Sixty", 7, "Seventy", 8, "Eighty", 9, "Ninety", 0, ""),""),



1, "One", 2, "Two", 3, "Three", 4, "Four", 5, "Five", 6, "Six", 7, "Seven", 8, "Eight", 9, "Nine", 0, "") & " Thousand","") & If(Mod([Number],1000)>0 and [Number]>1000, ",", ""),



1, "One Hundred", 2, "Two Hundred", 3, "Three Hundred", 4, "Four Hundred", 5, "Five Hundred", 6, "Six Hundred", 7, "Seven Hundred", 8, "Eight Hundred", 9, "Nine Hundred", 0, ""),""),


& " Dollars" & $teenscents

  • Hi Sam, I am using the above formula but i noticed one issue if we give single digit number 2 then its returning "and two dollors" :(
    Example - Number = 11600 then formula is giving value "Ten One Thousand, Six hundread dollars" ideally it should say "Eleven thousand and Six hundread dollars" ? i am trying to fix it but would be great if you can tell me which variable is causing this issue?

    It would be great help if you can provide us the upgraded formula if you have. or atleast can guide me where to make the changes to achieve the goal :)
    • UrsulaLl's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      I noticed this as well, did you get any update on this?
  • UrsulaLl's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I made some modifications to this calculation so that it could update the teens. I am SURE there are better ways to do this, but I needed it quickly and I didn't want to waste any time cleaning it up. Posting here in case someone else needs it. 

    var number Value = Round([xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx],0.01);
    var text Hundreds=Right(ToText(Int($Value)),3);
    var text Thousands = If($Value>=1000,ToText(Int($Value/1000)));
    var text Millions = If($Value>=1000000,ToText(Int($Value/1000000)));

    var text numt = ToText(Floor([xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx]));

    var text cents = If(Contains(ToText([xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx]), "."), Left(Right(ToText([xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx]) & "00", "."), 2),"");
    var text centDecimals = If(Contains(ToText([xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx]), "."),Right(ToText(Int($value * 100)),2));

    var text teensnumcents = If($centDecimals<>"", " and " & List("/",
    $centDecimals,"100")," and No/100") & " Dollars" ;

    var text firstNum = Case(Floor(ToNumber(Right($numt,2))/10),
    1, "Ten", 2, "Twenty", 3, "Thirty", 4, "Forty", 5, "Fifty", 6, "Sixty", 7, "Seventy", 8, "Eighty", 9, "Ninety", 0, "");
    var text secondNum = Case(ToNumber(Right($numt,1)),
    1, "One", 2, "Two", 3, "Three", 4, "Four", 5, "Five", 6, "Six", 7, "Seven", 8, "Eight", 9, "Nine", 0, "");
    var text thirdNum = Case(Floor(ToNumber(Right($numt,3))/100),
    1, "One Hundred", 2, "Two Hundred", 3, "Three Hundred", 4, "Four Hundred", 5, "Five Hundred", 6, "Six Hundred", 7, "Seven Hundred", 8, "Eight Hundred", 9, "Nine Hundred", 0, "");
    var text firstThouNum = If($Thousands<>"",Case(Floor(ToNumber(Right($Thousands,2))/10),
    1, "Ten", 2, "Twenty", 3, "Thirty", 4, "Forty", 5, "Fifty", 6, "Sixty", 7, "Seventy", 8, "Eighty", 9, "Ninety", 0, ""),"");
    var text secondThouNum = If($Thousands<>"",Case(ToNumber(Right($Thousands,1)),
    1, "One", 2, "Two", 3, "Three", 4, "Four", 5, "Five", 6, "Six", 7, "Seven", 8, "Eight", 9, "Nine", 0, ""));
    var text thirdThouNum = Case(Floor(ToNumber(Right($Thousands,3))/100),
    1, "One Hundred", 2, "Two Hundred", 3, "Three Hundred", 4, "Four Hundred", 5, "Five Hundred", 6, "Six Hundred", 7, "Seven Hundred", 8, "Eight Hundred", 9, "Nine Hundred", 0, "");
    var text firstMilNum = If($Millions<>"",Case(Floor(ToNumber(Right($Millions,2))/10),
    1, "Ten", 2, "Twenty", 3, "Thirty", 4, "Forty", 5, "Fifty", 6, "Sixty", 7, "Seventy", 8, "Eighty", 9, "Ninety", 0, ""),"");
    var text secondMilNum = If($Millions<>"",Case(ToNumber(Right($Millions,1)),
    1, "One", 2, "Two", 3, "Three", 4, "Four", 5, "Five", 6, "Six", 7, "Seven", 8, "Eight", 9, "Nine", 0, ""));
    var text thirdMilNum = Case(Floor(ToNumber(Right($Millions,3))/100),
    1, "One Hundred", 2, "Two Hundred", 3, "Three Hundred", 4, "Four Hundred", 5, "Five Hundred", 6, "Six Hundred", 7, "Seven Hundred", 8, "Eight Hundred", 9, "Nine Hundred", 0, "");

    var text tensNum = List("-", $firstNum, $secondNum);
    var text thouNum = List("-", $firstThouNum, $secondThouNum);
    var text millNum = List("-", $firstMilNum, $secondMilNum);

    var text teensCon = If(Contains($tensNum,"ten-")=true,Case($tensNum,
    "Ten-One", "Eleven", 
    "Ten-Two", "Twelve", 
    "Ten-Three", "Thirteen", 
    "Ten-Four", "Fourteen", 
    "Ten-Five", "Fifteen", 
    "Ten-Six", "Sixteen", 
    "Ten-Seven", "Seventeen", 
    "Ten-Eight", "Eighteen", 
    "Ten-Nine", "Nineteen", $tensNum),$tensNum);

    var text thouCon = If(Contains($thouNum,"ten-")=true,Case($thouNum,
    "Ten-One", "Eleven", 
    "Ten-Two", "Twelve", 
    "Ten-Three", "Thirteen", 
    "Ten-Four", "Fourteen", 
    "Ten-Five", "Fifteen", 
    "Ten-Six", "Sixteen", 
    "Ten-Seven", "Seventeen", 
    "Ten-Eight", "Eighteen", 
    "Ten-Nine", "Nineteen", $thouNum),$thouNum);

    var text millCon = If(Contains($millNum,"ten-")=true,Case($millNum,
    "Ten-One", "Eleven", 
    "Ten-Two", "Twelve", 
    "Ten-Three", "Thirteen", 
    "Ten-Four", "Fourteen", 
    "Ten-Five", "Fifteen", 
    "Ten-Six", "Sixteen", 
    "Ten-Seven", "Seventeen", 
    "Ten-Eight", "Eighteen", 
    "Ten-Nine", "Nineteen", $millNum),$millNum);

    var text teens = $teensCon;
    var text Thouteens = If($thouNum<>"" and [xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx]>999, " ", "") & $thouCon;
    var text Milteens = If($millNum<>"" and [xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx]>999999, " ", "") & $millCon;

    var text hundredsNum = $thirdNum &" "& $teens;
    var text hundredsThouNum = $thirdThouNum &" "& $thouCon;
    var text hundredsMillNum = $thirdMilNum &" "& $millCon;

    var text finalHund = $hundredsNum; 
    var text finalThou = $hundredsThouNum & " Thousand";
    var text finalMill = $hundredsMillNum & " Million";

    //var text finalThouOne = if(Contains($finalThou,"Ten-",$Thouteens,$finalThou));

    If($millNum<>"" and [xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx]>999999, $finalMill, "")&" "&
    If($thouNum<>"" and [xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx]>999,$finalThou, "")&" "&
    If($tensNum<>"" and [xxTHENUMERICFIELDxx]>99, $finalHund, $teens) & 
    • UrsulaLl's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      no worries, Sam did all the heavy lifting for this!
    • UrsulaLl's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      quick head's up. My coworkers were able to break this, it does not seem to work if the field being calculated on has more than 10 digits. So if you have a number with a decimal point, it will begin rounding or cutting off the last digit. You can play around to find a good solution, I decided to create two formula fields, one for the decimal, and one for the whole number and then combine the text in a third formula field. good luck!