Forum Discussion

16 Replies

  • SuryaExpert's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Use a formula-text field "##-##-####" and show that field on the form instead and make sure it shows only in view mode. For add/edit mode, you can use the real field.
  • SuryaExpert's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    Can someone create a screencast for Becky? I don't have access to it from work.
  • Becky. Is your SSN a text field now or numeric? If you answer that then I will help you with the code to show a formatted formula text field.
    • BeckyMoore's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      It was a text field but I changed it to a formula text field but that did not work either. 
  • You should have 2 fields:
    1 for data entry - on form for add and edit.
    2 for showing Xs - on form for view.
    I assume it is not to match number for digit, so I would simply create a text formula, if(length([ssn])>0,"XXX-XX-XXXX",""). 

    If you do want to match digit for digit you need a different formula, I would use this...

  • @slider. Becky wants to show the SSN digits but in a formatted manner.

    But I will wait and see if Becky responds to my question before I put the effort into a reply.
  • Becky,
    Try this

    // desired format is ###-##-####

    var text PartOne = Left([SSN],3);
    var text PartTwo = Mid([SSN,4,2);
    var text PartThree = Right([SSN],4);

    List("-", $PartOne, $PartTwo, $PartThree))
    • RobbinMarshall's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I tried this and received an error on the "If(Length" line. The error states "The operator '=' can't be applied on types text, number"

      My SSN field was a numeric field, but I had to change it to text to fix the errors in the first 3 lines that begin with "var"
  • I did it like this in my APP

    //This pulls the data from the SSN field and masks it. 

    var text SSN = ToText([field which contains SSN]);
    var text filler = "###";
    var text fillerr = "##";

    List ("-", $filler, $fillerr, Right($SSN,4))

    Hope this helps.
  • Could someone please screenshot the resolution; like I said I am new to this.

    • RobbinMarshall's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hey Becky,

      Your solution may be a little different than mine, but I ended up using the formula below. I will be instructing the users of my app to exclude the hyphens from the social security numbers.

      If(Length([SS#]) = 9,

      var text SSN = ToText([SS#]);
      var text filler = "###-##-#";

      List ("", $filler, Right($SSN,3)),

      "Not Formatted")
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      I'm not sure what your question is.

      If you are trying to take a text field and  format it with hyphens then formula text field would be

      var text PartOne = Left([SSN],3);
      var text PartTwo = Mid([SSN,4,2);
      var text PartThree = Right([SSN],4);

      List("-", $PartOne, $PartTwo, $PartThree))

      If he field was numeric then let me know and it would be slightly different formula
    • AlexCertificati's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Still missing the close paren behind Length, Mark

      var text PartOne = Left([SSN],3);
      var text PartTwo = Mid([SSN,4,2);
      var text PartThree = Right([SSN],4);

      List("-", $PartOne, $PartTwo, $PartThree))