Forum Discussion

DavidSirrine's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

How do I show records in reverse order in the record picker used in grid edit mode?

I've tried making a report to use as the record picker, but grid edit seems to use the default record picker despite what I set up .

7 Replies

  • Hi David,

    The default record picker does display on the Grid Edit version of a report instead of a report based record picker that can be set in a form. That does mean that in Grid Edit selecting the right record can require a different process. If you want the order to be inverted you would need to go into the reporting defaults in your table that you are pulling records from and in the reporting defaults set the order to sort the other direction by default. That will effect any reports you currently have set to reporting defaults as well. 
  • Evan,

    Thanks for your response.  I tried your suggestion, but it had no effect on the order of the records in the grid edit mode record picker.

    Any other ideas?

  • Evan,

    The record picker is a drop down type.

    The situation is this:
    - Start on the form for editing a time card record. This form includes a table of individual time allocations that are related to the time card.
    - Click "Grid Edit" at the at the top of the table for related time allocations. We now see an editable table of the time allocations related to this time card and blank rows where new time allocations can be created.  We want to add a new time allocation.
    - On the first blank row, double click on the cell for Related Time Card.

    At this point, a drop down list of all time cards appears with the most recent at the bottom of the list.  Of course, it's one toward the bottom of the list that always needs to be selected.

    Changes that I make in the Time Card table advanced properties for fields to include in the record picker have an effect on the content shown, but I haven't found a way to reverse the order or use a report to populate the record picker.

    An alternative solution that would be great is to have the Related Time Card field automatically be set to the same value as all the others in the filtered list that the user sees.

    Any solutions you can offer are appreciated.

  • You can do it with script. Here is the essential code manually applied from the console along with BEFORE and AFTER screenshots:

    var $select = $("select");
    var $options = $select.children("option");




    This code will keep the "Make a Selection" option at the top but reverse the other options:
    var $select = $("select");
    var $options = $select.children("option:gt(0)");
  • Here is something to try. The record picker in grid edit is always finicky to control. This might work.

    Try making a form called something like grid edit. The sequence of the fields will end up being the columns of the grid edit. Set a report on that form to use for that drop down field.

    Then in Settings, Forms, Forms Usage, asscociate the embedded report used for grid edit to use that form for grid edit. You can do a quick test by initially just putting that drop down field on the form before adding the rest if the fields.

    Let us know if that worked.
  • Hi David,

    That helps to make things much clearer, for that need I would use a slightly different technique. So currently they are going to an embedded report on Time Cards and they are hitting Grid Edit to open up that report and create new records there. This is then pulling a list of all your related time cards in.

    There is a way to control some of the behavior in Grid Edit on specific reports after an update we made to allow a user to apply a specific forms behavior to a grid edit report. If you open up the report that is being used for that report link by hitting Grid Edit you can see the report name and the table it is pulling from. From there you can go into the forms of your Time Allocation table settings and there is an option to override role settings by report.

    When you do this you lock a report to a form to dictate what fields are displayed for the grid Edit and in doing so bring along some of the form behavior. For example you can bring along the report you were using for a reference field. You can also do this by role(but then it effects grid editing every report). All you need to do on your time allocation table is to make a Form that has the same fields as the report, edit the related time card field on the form element to use a report from your Time Card table that has the right filters and sorting and then set the Grid Edit behavior under Override role settings by report to that specific form. I have included a video linked below that walks through this and shows how it can be used to alter your Grid Edit behavior. It takes a few more steps but it sounds like this might be a good fit for that specific embedded report.

    I hope this suggestion is helpful.