Forum Discussion

MikeTamoush's avatar
Qrew Commander
2 years ago

How do people handle adding users to groups, since the app doesnt appear for them?

I recently learned from a QB Blog Post that if you add a user to a user group in order to give access to an app (rather than individual access), the app will not appear in the users my app page. In order to get it to appear, you must send a specific invite to the user. Once the users clicks the invite, the app is now shown in their my apps page.

This is decidedly inconvenient. We have a master app that every new employee is granted access too. As soon as they are an employee, they are added to a master group, and have access to this app. However, this means they will not see the app until they are sent an invitation and click on the link. 

How to people handle this? Do you simply send invites to everyone and hope they click? Do you not use groups, and instead use all individual account access?

Mike Tamoush
  • IMHO, there are some deficiencies with the My Apps page.

    In my experience apps do not appear on that page if the user has non-accessed the app with his last 30 days.  Users basically will never click on the advanced search so they open up an internal support ticket, saying they do not have access to an app when in fact, the problem is they simply cannot find of the app on their my apps page.

    I have a Client, which literally has 100 apps. So what we did is we use one of the options for a connected table to auto generate a list of all of the applications in an app. 

    Then we put a branding item, globally at the top right of every page which provides them with a link to get to that list. Then we can just tell the users if they are having trouble finding an app that can go through that list and easily see a list of all applications that exist, even applications, they do not have access to.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • MikeTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Commander

      I'm not sure I have experienced the 30 day app hide. However, I think I am having success if I provision a user, adding him to a group, rather than adding the user to the group AFTER the first time they log in. I'm not exactly sure, and it is so incredibly difficult to test for. However, between SSO, and Provisioning and groups, sometimes the user can see the app and sometimes they can't, and for the life of me I can't figure out the specific rules for the specific combinations.

      Mike Tamoush
  • Hi Mike,

    We send an email to each new User with the links to a default set of Apps each User is granted when their account is added. In the email we tell the User to click each link to register in each App.

    We also have an HR App that has links to each App the User is provisioned to in case of the dreaded 30 day disappearing App bug.

    I second Marks very gentle "IMHO, there are some deficiencies with the My Apps page."

    Jim Harrison
    transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes