Forum Discussion

MichaelTamoush's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

How does quickbase count derived fields for dynamic rules?

I know there is a limit of 40 derived fields for dynamic rules, but I am trying to figure out how QB counts.

If the same formula field (or other derived field) is used multiple times in different dynamic rules, is it counted every time it is used, or can it be used in 20 rules, and that only counts as 1 derived field?

I'm thinking that you are allowed 40 distinct derived fields, and can use them as many times as you want, whether in actions or conditions, or in multiple rules?

Mike Tamoush

2 Replies

  • I am pretty sure that each derived field on the counts once.

    Here are two techniques to keep under the limit of 40.
    The first is that while using a look up field counts a derived field if you use the reference field in a relationship that is not a derived field as that would be a scalar data entry field.   By that I mean to use the field [Related Customer] instead of the field for a [Customer Name]   (lookup field). 

     Secondly if you are using formula fields then often you may be able to create a single formula field which can replace two or three other smaller formula fields and that single formula field will count just once as opposed to two or three other formula fields which count as two or three derived fields. 

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • MichaelTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      Good call on using the related field vs lookup. I bet I have a few of those. I'll look to see about the formulas also.

      Mike Tamoush