Forum Discussion

JenniferJuhasz's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

How to create a Form that lists all options from another table as individual items to submit data against

Hi Quickbase Team,

Our programs team came to me with a request today that I don't know if it's possible to fulfill.

Quick backstory to help explain the need:
Our staff completes a form for each interaction with a 'client', one key metric I measure is the 'Community' the 'client' is based in.  I have a list of 32 communities + "other."  (we're a non-profit, and are funded based on #'s we provide per community)

We have one team of staff who fulfill support requests when community-based-staff are not available.  This team supports all communities, even those beyond the ones we are contracted to serve (separate and unique contract).

They do NOT report "PER" interaction; but instead need to report aggregate #'s per Community.

- where Communities are their own table
- where Interactions are their own table and connected by a relationship

My programs team wants to have a simple form that contains a list of the communities and a blank field for the team to rapidly input the number served in whole.

So - the form would look something like this:

Today's Date
Staff Member User ID (who submits this report)
Total # of families served = ____
Total # of service providers served = ___

followed by:
___ total served in Community A
___ total served in Community B
___ total served in Community C

Then 'Submit'​
This would then flow into, I think, it's own unique table (to not compromise the data in the table where we gather data per each interaction)

Is this possible?  It's almost like saying, I want each field to relate to the list of Communities in a different/separate table.​
Or I want the 'Communities Served' field to be a kind of 'multi-select' field​ that also displays the total # served on That day. 

I will have to be able to run reports on this so - I can say
In the previous quarter Community A was served ___ # of times by this specific team in addition to this # of times where we recorded each unique interaction.

Thoughts? Recommendations?  I'm puzzled where to begin to address this specific ask by my director.

Thank you!!!​​​​​​

Jennifer Juhasz
BC, Canada
  • Hi all -

    I've been thinking about this, and I think I have a way, but am not sure.

    Is it possible to create a form, that instead of 'Submit' 'submitting' - it triggers a pipeline that takes all of the information just entered and creates a unique table entry off of each option?

    So - what I'm thinking is - the table will visually look like this:
    Today's Date
    Staff Member User ID (who submits this report)
    Total # of families served = ____
    Total # of service providers served = ___
    followed by:
    ___ total served in Community A
    ___ total served in Community B
    ___ total served in Community C

    But on Submit, a unique entry is created for each numerical value provided in the form field.

    So - so to create 'Community A' 'B' and 'C' - I would create a unique 'report' filtering values to just that one Community, that the form then lists on independent lines - so the end user sees all the communities and is able to enter their 'total' interactions within that community.

    However, on submit, via a Pipeline, each one of their populated numerical values becomes its own unique entry in the table; filling in the 'date' and 'User ID' based on those field IDs.

    Is that possible to do?  I think it must be, but would love the confidence boost of having you more experienced users weigh in here.

    Thank you!


    Jennifer Juhasz
    BC, Canada
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      Hi Jennifer,
      Since you are a non profit, contact me directly by the email in my signature line and I will get on a call with you to see how this can be done.  I will look for a way to just use the data you have as opposed to complicating it with Pipelines creating extra records.

      Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)