Forum Discussion

YifengGu's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

How to Create a Report or Chart that Show "# of Cases" by Multiple Fields

Hi my name is Ethan.

To be short, each "record" has 3 "Date" fields (let's say "Date 1", "Date 2", and "Date 3"), and I want to find a way to include all 3 Dates and show "# of records" by date (either a chart or a table will work).  Please see the below picture:

Now I have to create 3 summary reports and export them to excel above (column "Date 1", "Date 2", and "Date 3") to add them up.  All I need is either a Table/Chart/Summary to show the last column "Total".  The problem is that QB can only count each record once, however, in my case, each record may be counted up to 3 times.

Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated!

Ethan (Yifeng Gu)

5 Replies

  • np, make three formula fields like like this

    [Worked Date 1] as a formula numeric 

    IF(not IsNull([Date 1],1,0)

    same for the other two,

    Then make a summary report with three columns to total up the value of those three fields on one summary report - ie, summarize three different fields.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • YifengGu's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hi Mark - Thank you for the quick response!

      I am confused about the second part of your solution - "Make a summary report". 

      What I need is: the first column should be Date, and the second column should be "total worked cases on that date".  for example, if I have a record that has three dates, in other words, been worked on three different dates, let's say 1/1/2020, 1/15/2020, and 1/31/2020.  Then this record should be counted three times, separately.

      Yifeng Gu
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Qrew Champion
        sorry, now I see your point. Let me think a bit when I get a chance.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach