Forum Discussion

FreddieSabbs's avatar
Quickbase Staff
5 years ago

How to display a thumbnail image on a table report

One of my favorite tips learned at EMPOWER2020 was from a session Chris Hutchens delivered titled Building for Mobile.

He shared how to get a thumbnail image of a photo to display in a table report.  While the session was geared towards mobile users, it's applicable to anyone that wants to show an image in a table report.

I created a quick video to show demonstrate that little gem:

If you'd like to try this in one of your apps, simply watch the video and copy this code snippet to paste into a formula - rich text field: 

If(Length([Photo])=0,"","<img width=\"150\" src=\""&URLRoot()&"up/"&Dbid()&"/a/r"&[Record ID#]&"/e31/v0\"/>")


Freddie Sabbs
Senior Solutions Consultant
Quick Base
Cambridge MA
  • Hey Freddie,

    I have images that are rotating 90 degrees on mobile - that are not rotating on mobile...  any advice on how to design for this?  I want users to navigate to the table and a default report...and I don't know if they are more likely to use mobile or desktop.

    Kevin O'Boyle
  • I have my photo attachment in the child tables. One parent record have multiple child record (each child has a photo attachment file).
    Is there a way to display a "concatenated" thumbnail from the child records onto the parent record? similar to having like a "combined text" via summary field.


    Erikson Tsang

    Erikson Tsang
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      I have done this before but I don't have the code handy.

      The technique is to get the thumbnail code on the child record.  Have a mirror field that changes that field into a regular text field as that is the only field type which can be used in a combined text summary field.

      Once you have that string floated up to the parent, hen convert it back to a Rich text field by formula.

      You will also then want to use SearchAndReplace on that string to change the semi colon delimiters to a space.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach
  • Hey Freddie,

    Question for you. How do I get the field to display the current version of the file? For example, I have some photos that have been replaced since their original upload, but the thumbnail field still shows the original file? Weird! Any ideas?


    SLMPAC Development
    • DavidLessin's avatar
      Qrew Member

      SLMPAC Development,


      Having spent over two hours on this in the past (deleting, replacing files, testing, blahh.). The 5 second fix is to clear your browsers cache!


      I included a screenshot of the formula field I used to display the attached file in a report (in this case, a country's flag).



      David Lessin



      +1 312 909 2721 mobile


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      • MikeTamoush's avatar
        Qrew Commander
        There was a discussion post about a month ago that talked about this caching issue. There have been a few solves for this, using new code (as opposed to constantly deleting cache).

        I don't have time to search and post the link, but if you search you can probably find it, or maybe someone else has the codes.

        Mike Tamoush