Forum Discussion
11 years agoQrew Captain
Alas, there is not a way to get Role information to be used in a formula.
- AustinHayes7 years agoQrew CadetSo is there no way to take a current user field and derive the user's role(s) into another field utilizing the native users table in my app? I don't want to recreate information that already exists just to be able to formulate which role(s) a user is assigned to within my app.
- QuickBaseCoachD7 years agoQrew CaptainCorrect, the formula functions do not currently have the ability to return a list of the Role(s) the current user is in.
- AustinHayes7 years agoQrew CadetSo for any sort of role info (which ones exist in application, which ones a user is assigned to, etc.) you have to utilize API's? or am I missing another method?
- QuickBaseCoachD7 years agoQrew CaptainThere is an API for Get Role but I have never tried to use it.
- AustinHayes7 years agoQrew CadetThat was the one I was thinking of, I have never used it either. Thanks for the info.
- AlexCertificati7 years agoQrew CadetOne trick that I have had to use is that Dynamic Form Rules DO know what role your user is in. So you can do some sneaky stuff using that. Depending on exactly where you need to be able to access that information, you may be able to get around it. I have a use case where I use form rules to check a box if the user is in one of a subset of roles, and I can use that check box in conditions downstream. Of course that requires that I know my user is going to be in an Add Form on that particular table prior to the point where I need to know what role they were in.