Here is an example. Using Chrome, navigate to the
QuickBase Support Center which contains lots of tables and queries:
QuickBase Support Center press
F12 and paste in the following code into the J
avaScript Console:
Raw Pastie Code Database script will run for a few seconds and inject a text area into the upper left hand corner of the web page (see screenshot) from which you can copy out a text report of all the tables and their queries.
This is the fastest way to do it (took me ten minutes - I am in training!) and the method could easily be generalized to solicit the application dbid through a form (rather than hard code it as I have) and produce a beautiful web page listing the results (including additional information about each query). The essential issues is that you use the API method
API_GetSchema to get all the tables dbids in an application and they query each table to extract the query information and spit out the results.
Here is the output from my quick and dirty code:
9fwpesnn , qid=195 % of Cases with Account ID (past 5 days), qid=321 1. NEW, qid=15 5. RESPONDED TO - By you with or without assignment, qid=19 All Cases for particular user, qid=44 Case Classifications, qid=50 Case Distribution & Delegation, qid=266 Case Resolution Rate (since 2/17/08), qid=297 Cases per month, qid=194 Cases per month by Plan Type, qid=45 Cases Since Dakota Release, qid=270 Chart: Cases Created by week (Qtr), qid=216 Count of Cases per Day, qid=30 Did we resolve your recent cases?, qid=308 Embedded for Investigations, qid=99 embedded in Deliverables, qid=56 embedded in staff forms, qid=51 Enterprise Customers, qid=269 Find Cases by Case ID#, qid=248 Find cases by email and date, qid=246 Last week's Cases, qid=70 List Changes, qid=2 Most Frequently Used KB Articles, qid=32 My Cases, qid=17 New Duplicates, qid=231 Overview for Support, qid=59 Pivotable of 6 months of Case, qid=68 Pivottable of last year's cases, qid=67 Quick Responses View, qid=43 Search By Attached File Contents, qid=14 Search By Case Issue / Question, qid=74 Search By Case Subject, qid=73 Show KnowledgeBase Rankings, qid=27 Survey Participation, qid=298 Survey Verbatim (last 5 days), qid=329 Surveys: Feel Better, qid=332 Surveys: Feel Better Chart, qid=331 Surveys: Resolution Rate %, qid=330 Surveys: Responses Detail, qid=328 Surveys: Successful, qid=333 Team Responsiveness, qid=39 Test, qid=271 Today's Cases, qid=46 Trial Tracking View, qid=48 Yesterday's Cases, qid=92
6mztyxu8 Articles by Category, qid=5 Articles by Date Created, qid=12 Articles by Question, qid=1 Articles I've Written, qid=13 Articles with Keywords, qid=18 Common Help Topics, qid=20 Contains 'Desktop', qid=73 Downloads, qid=9 Embedded in Case, qid=19 Export to Acquia, qid=61 gsa_knowledgebase, qid=22 Karis' KB articles, qid=47 KB for export, qid=58 List Changes, qid=2 Marked for Deletion, qid=36 Private Articles, qid=31 Private to QuickBase, qid=29 QuickBase HTTP API Documentation, qid=8 Release Notes, qid=53 SDKs, qid=10 To Be Reviewed, qid=14 unneeded - delete me, qid=11
6ewwzuuj abc, qid=36 All Functions, qid=12 All Functions and Operators, qid=6 Boolean Functions, qid=9 Duration, qid=27 Formula Export View, qid=21 gsa_formula functions ref, qid=13 List All, qid=1 List Changes, qid=2 Number Functions, qid=7 Operators - Binary, qid=11 Operators - Unary, qid=10 Text Functions, qid=8 Time and Date Functions, qid=5
bcgahn76w List All, qid=1 List Changes, qid=2 Problems by Category, qid=5
9i5amhfp93htvp8y 1. Basic User Tutorials, qid=5 2. Beginner Application Developer Tutorials, qid=6 All Available Snippets, qid=16 All Available Tutorials, qid=13 All Training Tutorials, qid=1 All Training with drafted Viewlets, qid=10 gsa_tutorials, qid=18 List Changes, qid=2 Number of classes per role, qid=8 Senior Application Developer Training, qid=7 Videos - Report w/ Feedback Link, qid=44
baauktphz Assign a Feedback Sector, qid=24 Caculate Weekly Satisfaction NP, qid=14 Calculate Weekly QuickBase NP, qid=17 Case Feedback by Segment, qid=25 Detailed Feedback About Support, qid=13 Detailed feedback about Training, qid=6 Detailed Feedback since Released, qid=10 Embedded for Cases, qid=12 Graph: QB Net Promoter Scores from Support, qid=16 Graph: Weekly Satisfaction Scores from Support, qid=15 Last 2 Days of Case Feedback, qid=30 List All, qid=1 List Changes, qid=2 Number of times people launching each Viewlet, qid=8 Number times launched per week, qid=9 Summary: Avg. Weekly QB NP Scores, qid=20 Summary: Avg. Weekly Support Satisfaction Scores, qid=19 Support Feedback by Sector, qid=23 Viewlet Popularity, qid=7
bbpb2xedt List All, qid=1 List Changes, qid=2 Related Help and Kb articles, qid=5
bbxmjfwwkbcgnn27bx Icon Files, qid=7 Icon URLs, qid=8 Icon Urls 128x128, qid=14 Icon Urls 16x16, qid=10 Icon Urls 24x24, qid=11 Icon Urls 32x32, qid=12 Icon Urls 48x48, qid=13 List All, qid=1 List Changes, qid=2 Search Icons, qid=9 Today's Images, qid=15
bdbqbghsu List Changes, qid=2 Upgrades scheduled for this week, qid=7
bdbqbvym9 Embedded for Enterprise edition upgrades, qid=5 List All, qid=1 List Changes, qid=2