Forum Discussion

DavidSemitekol's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

How to limit the number of records a user can download

Hello, does anyone know if we can limit the number of records a user can download?  I know I can restrict all downloads, but I would like a user to be able to download a report into Excel (csv) but not be able to download every record.  Or is there a way to monitor how many records a user downloads?  I'm just worried about all of our data walking out the door!

David Semitekol

4 Replies

  • You cannot do that directly, but suppose you are trying to protect your customer list.  You can take away the user's ability to view the Customer table and instead provide a link to a report where the user need to  say provide the first three characters of the customer name and have the report match on that value in an <ask the user> report targeting a formula field.

    You would also need to take away the user's ability to create or modify reports

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • ChayceDuncan's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      Mark is correct, outside of the REST API you can't limit what shows in a report. An alternative though depending on how 'secure' you need this to be would be to hide the save as spreadsheet icon from a table using the Security role setting to remove it from the UI. In its place you could put designated reports on a Dashboard that you could control to only allow them to download specific subsets, such as only downloading the 'Active' Customer list or something like that. You can append &dtla=xs to the end of any report to make the 'link' an automatic download from a Dashboard as another way that they can only download a report/list that you set for them. The issue remains that you still can't directly influence how many records are in the report you make outside of the filters, but an option. 

      Chayce Duncan
  • Okay, thanks Mark and Chayce.  Yes, it's a precarious situation because there is a legitimate advantage for them being able to download some of the records to work in Excel. I don't want to take away the option completely and users still need the ability to see all records also.

    Too bad QuickBase doesn't have a built-in limiter on the number of records a user can download or some safeguards against that "one" malicious actor.

    David Semitekol
    • Gary1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      You could always create your own application/data permission model. This would give you customized control around which users can see which records. It doesn't come out of the box with Quickbase, but it's certainly possible. Technically you could make a model to limit how many records a user can see by providing access to only an arbitrary or "safe" amount.
