Try something like this:
var text CRCQ = [Client Rental Calculation Query Field]
var text vRec = Part($CRCQ,1,";");
var text vClient = Part($CRCQ,2,";");
var text vNLSM = Part($CRCQ,3,";");
var text vRent = Part($CRCQ,4,";");
var text vUtility = Part($CRCQ,5,";");
var text vModBy = Part($CRCQ,6,";");
//You may need to tweak this to get the date to work
var date vModDt = Part($CRCQ,7,";");
"<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">"
&"<tr><th>RecordID</th><th>Client Portion</th><th>NLSM Portion</th><th>Property Rent</th><th>NLSM Utility</th><th>Last Modified By</th><th>Date Modified</th></tr>"
&"<tr><td>"& $vRec & "</td><td>" & $vClient & "</td><td>" & $vNLSM & "</td><td>" & $vRent & " </td><td>" & $vUtility &"</td><td>"& $vModBy &"</td><td>"& $vModDt&"</td></tr>"
& "</table>"
Tammie King