Forum Discussion

RebeccaKnecht__'s avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Hyperlink in Rich text formula

I am trying to make the following work.

If the check box PHQ follow-up is checked then this statement will appear and will have a clickable hyperlink to the URL(in yellow). I keep getting syntax error when I try to add the formula for the url in. 

If([PHQ Follow-up], "As Life Scan Wellness continues to enhance psychological testing and resources for mental health, we have screened and recommend for you to consider for fire service;" ;"<a href=" & $ & ">" & $Redline Rescue & "</a>" & "or for law enforcement to gain access to resources through a partnership with UCF Restores. These links can provide accesses to culturally competent trained peer providers or therapists that can deliver sustainable healing." & "<br>","") &

Rebecca Knecht, MS, ACSM-CEP
  • try this

    If([PHQ Follow-up], "As Life Scan Wellness continues to enhance psychological testing and resources for mental health, we have screened and recommend for you to consider for fire service " & "<a href=" & & ">" & "Redline Rescue" & "</a>" & "or for law enforcement to gain access to resources through a partnership with UCF Restores. These links can provide accesses to culturally competent trained peer providers or therapists that can deliver sustainable healing." & "<br>") &

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • RebeccaKnecht__'s avatar
      Qrew Member
      Still saying syntax error and highlighting the period in

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        I can't debug a small screen shot  because it won't copy paste as text.  :( 

        Can you copy paste the formula text into the Forum post.

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)