Forum Discussion

BobThomas1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

I need to be able to import an Excel Spreadsheet from my computer, specific date

I need to be able to import an Excel Spreadsheet from my computer, specific recent date. 

What I have is two data sources that I merged into one Excel Spreadsheet, current date. Since today is 24 July 2021, current is Fri 23 July 2021. 

I see that I could do this by creating an App by 'Import A Spreadsheet'. This is perfect. My data will be an Excel file, the merged data I did in Excel.

Then I create a report, line-bar chart & other charts or tables eventually.

I like the new dashboards, so I place this line-bar chart on my dashboard, create some filters & voila I have correlated data for the 23 July 2021, and it's specific for a State & shows all the counties of that state. (This is in beta & further drill-down options I will probably incorporate, but for now I just want to correlate the data, line data & bar chart data & how they are related for a specific geographic area.)

Then because it's date specific, I want to run this again for a future date, say next Saturday I grab the two data sources for the previous Friday. 

I want to replace the table I set up initially with the new data. (Or just add a new table.)

But I can't get past the initial table I created, I can't delete it, I don't see options for, maybe it's not mean to be deleted. 

I could just create a new App, but then I have to setup the dash & reports that I want. I tried this, by printing by parameters and duplicating them with the new data. 

The only way I see to import new data via CSV is by using Google Drive, DropBox... I don't see a 'File Upload' dialog box that I can use to just upload the new table data via my own computer. 

Is my only option to upload my Excel Spreadsheet to my Google Drive & access it that way? I can do that, a bit of a hassle, but then am I using credits like in 'Pipelines' to do this?

There must be an easy way to be able to upload my new data. In the future I plan on updating my table so that old data is just discarded since the data I am using becomes very large after a couple months of new data is added.


Bob T.

7 Replies

  • If you just need to upload an XLSX or CSV file, you can certainly do that. In your table ribbon at the top, select the Table you wish to import to. Then, on the right side of the Table dashboard, select the 'More' / 3 Dots option

    Then select the 'Import/Export' option and follow the prompts to import a file. The old-style dashboards had a link for Import/Export, but this isn't available yet in the new Dashboards. Hopefully, this will be available soon.

    If you're looking to do something a bit more automated, you can build a 'Sync' Table that would automatically upload new records from a cloud-based CSV file.

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
    • BobThomas1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Blake, I would like to know how to build a 'Sync' table. Right now I have a Google Drive folder that I have been able to view a spreadsheet. But I haven't figured how to add it to my App. 

      I'm really trying to push all the buttons and boxes on charts, tables & reports, so I can use many of them in my projects. So it's a long learning process.

      Thank you.

      Bob T.
      • BlakeHarrison's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        It sounds like you're pretty new to Quickbase, so a few things to think about before you go any further:
        1. What do you want Quickbase to be - it sounds like you're simply using it to generate reports on data that you're gathering in spreadsheets.
        2. You said that you'd compiled the data in the spreadsheets from two different data sources - is that necessary? Can you get that data directly from the source by using Pipelines?
        3. If you're using Quickbase just for reporting, you're missing out on the bulk of the functionality that's available to you. 
        Regarding building a 'Sync' table, you'll start by selecting the standard 'New Table' plus icon in the Table ribbon. When you do that, you'll have an option for "From Scratch" or "Using Connected Data". Select the 2nd option and follow the prompts to build the 'Sync' table.

        Blake Harrison
        DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
        Atlanta GA
        404.800.1702 /