Identifying Whether A Given Field Is Used In Any Pipelines?
When viewing the "Usage" tab in the Field settings, we typically get a nice view to see where the field is used throughout the app, such as other dependent Fields like formulas, Forms, Form Rules and Reports. These references are linked too, for quick navigation. We also sometimes see a "Webhook" reference that is prefixed with "CLOUDPIPES_" followed by a series of numbers such as CLOUDPIPES_1234567890999999. When following the link, we get a Quickbase Warning stating "This Webhook cannot be opened."
I believe Cloudpipes was acquired by Quickbase several years ago and perhaps powers Pipelines under the hood.
Anyway, is there a way to cross-reference a given Cloudpipes Webhook ID from the Field's Usage tab (e.g. CLOUDPIPES_1234567890999999) to a Pipeline ID or Pipeline name?
It's cumbersome and error prone to hunt through our many Pipelines to find if/when a given field is used! This question is similar to other forum posts, but a bit different.
Brian Seymour