Forum Discussion

ClariceDennison's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

If Date Field is Null Turn Row Red


I have a report where I would like a row to turn red if the task has not been completed within 7 days of the assigned date. However, I am receiving an error. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!

If [Completion Date] is Null

And is Greater than 7 days of the [Assignment Date and Time]

Turn row #F60612

If([Completion Date]="null" and [Assignment Date and Time] >  7 ,"#F60612")

Thank you,
Clarice Dennison

3 Replies

  • Try this

    IsNull([Completion Date])
    ToDate([Assignment Date and Time]) - Days(7) >= Today(), "#F60612")

    //I'm assuming that the Completion Date is a Date field type and the other field is a Date / Time field type.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • ClariceDennison's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you so much Mark!

      re: the date assumption, yes, that is correct.

      I ended up switching the formula around as the rows were not turning red.


      IsNull([Completion Date])


      Today() - ToDate([Assignment Date and Time]) >= Days(7), "#F60612")

      Thanks again!

      Clarice Dennison
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        OK great, I thought that you wanted to warn when the Today was coming up to be within 7 Days of the Assignment Date but I see that you want to know if it's more than 7 days late.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)