Forum Discussion
I tried solving this at school, but too busy. Kids these days, lol! Anyway, I was going to go on to the Zoom at 1pm, but it got cancelled. So finally I found the answer.
From my problem & solution file for Oct. 2023, the below is what I recorded.
Works like a champ, so closing this annoying nuisance problem & now I understand a bit better how to use If-Then-Else better in QB. I understand how to and have written many modules in VB.Net (past years), PHP, C#, and a bit of Java.
ToText(GetFieldValues(GetRecords("{12.EX.'" & [Text-email] &"'}",[_DBID_HR_EMPLOYEES]),68))
Success with the below formula. The top formula worked but when the Work Emai address is blank, you get all the employees listed in the Related Employee Field.
ToText([Work Email])<>"",ToText(GetFieldValues(GetRecords("{12.EX.'" & [Text-email] &"'}",[_DBID_HR_EMPLOYEES]),68)))
Bob T.