Forum Discussion

SarahGriffin's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

If/Then Date Formula (Multi Conditions)

I'm trying to create target serviceability dates, with multiple conditions, and it's seeming to only want to acknowledge the first portion of the logic. I am using relationship date fields, maybe that's where this is going left? I'm also going to need to change this for my actual serviceability dates, which uses similar logic. Your help is appreciated! 

If the DIA Due Date is after the Splicing Target Completion AND the DIA Received/Completed date is before the Splicing Target Completion - use Splicing Target completion

If the DIA Due date is after the Splicing Target Completion AND the DIA Received/Complete date is Empty - use the DIA Due Date

Otherwise - use the Splicing Target Completion

If(ToText([Hut - DIA Due Date])>ToText([Splicing Target Completion Date]) and
ToText([Hut - DIA Received/Complete])<ToText([Splicing Target Completion Date]),[Splicing Target Completion Date],

If(ToText([Hut - DIA Due Date])>ToText([Splicing Target Completion Date]) and IsNull([Hut - DIA Received/Complete]), [Hut - DIA Due Date],
[Splicing Target Completion Date]))

Sarah Griffin
  • I think you should do it like in excel, when the first criteria is true you should evaluate the second criteria, nested IFs.

    Marcelo Benavides Torres

    marbentor  @

    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      In Quickbase you generally do not use nested IFs/

      just one IF

      [Hut - DIA Due Date] > [Splicing Target Completion Date]

      [Hut - DIA Received/Complete]) < [Splicing Target Completion Date]),
        [Splicing Target Completion Date],

      [Hut - DIA Due Date] > [Splicing Target Completion Date])
      and IsNull([Hut - DIA Received/Complete]), [Hut - DIA Due Date],

      [Splicing Target Completion Date])

      Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)