Hi, I am trying to include an image (logo) on a form. I have read all the posts and followed the instructions but no matter what I try the image shows like the one at the bottom of this post. I...
Not sure if you tried this but since you're adding a logo to a form, you probably don't need a dedicated table field for this. You can simply add a "Text" field (from the dropdown), where you want the logo, and make sure you check the HTML (Limited) checkbox. Here's an example:
Add this to your text field (text item properties)
Sorry, Pete, just following up on this and I did notice that you tried form text field with html enabled. I did, however, use the image URL you attached in my app and it works with the code I posted.
<img src="https://i.ibb.co/0rtHkM2/CRM-logo.jpg">
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