Forum Discussion

UrsulaLlaveria's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
5 years ago

Create Bullet Points with Formula Field

Trying to find a way to create a bulleted list based on checkboxes that are checked. 
Ex. if all three checkboxes are checked:
a. option one
b. option two
c. option three

If [field one] is not checked, then the list becomes
a. option two
b. option three

Without using html, or very basic html, is there a way to do this? 
I am able to create this with css/html (ul, li or ol/li) pretty easily, but I am trying to do it as QB native as possible. Using the List() formula maybe? Any and all suggestions are appreciated. 


3 Replies

  • Try something like this in a formula rich text

    var text checkboxone = If([Checkbox1]=true, "• Option One", "");
    var text checkboxtwo = If([Checkbox2]=true, "• Option Two", "");
    var text checkboxthree = If([Checkbox3]=true, "• Option Three", "");
    List("<br>", $checkboxone, $checkboxtwo, $checkboxthree)​

    Everett Patterson
  • Not tested but see if this works as a formula text field.

    var text Selections = List(","
    IF([checkbox1]=true, "Option 1"),
    IF([checkbox2]=true, "Option 2"),
    IF([checkbox3]=true, "Option 3"));

    var text ChoiceOne = Part($Selections, 1, ",");
    var text ChoiceTwo = Part($Selections, 2, ",");
    var text ChoiceThree = Part($Selections, 3, ",");

    IF($ChoiceOne <>"", "a. " & $ChoiceOne),
    IF($ChoiceTwo <>"", "b. " & $ChoiceTwo),
    IF($ChoiceThree <>"", "c. " & $ChoiceThree))

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • UrsulaLlaveria's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Thanks Mark and Everett, will test this out tonight and see if it may work for what we need. Basically, we have lots of texts based fields that need to be displayed based on other checkboxes. These are then transferred to a Word doc through EF+. So the less html, the better.
